Wednesday 2 May 2012

My Snowman

This is my christmas card that I created on Adobe Illustrator. i thought that this is relevant because the connotations of christmas are Xmas trees, crackers presents, turkeys and snowmen. When people see a snowman they would instantly think of the winter time and also of christmas. Whenever we see christmas being portrayed in film or on television we would normally see children running out on a christmas afternoon in the snow, trying to create huge spheres in order to make snowmen. This is why i thought it was relevant to use for my christmas card. Firstly, I creates three circles which would act as the bottom, body and head of the snowman. the circles would be created by the use of the pen tool which means that lines can be skewed in order to make a shape. I was then able to put a tint along the outline of the circle in the colour blue. This is so that you can clearly distinguish between the snowman and the background, the use of blue is to make it look cold, although snow is not blue, it is definately cold. Also people will instantly think that it is cold when they see this colour. The three circles where then sized and put in the centre. The shadow of the man would be made using the same method as the body but the outline is white and the inside is black. The body has buttons which is also relative to a conventional snowman, this was used by the paint brush because it is so small. I had three buttons in three different colours to make it look more visually attractive. I create the branches also as twigs are normally used for the arms of the man, I wanted it to look authentic hence the use of the colour brown. More very small sots were used at the head of the snowman to create a clear smiley face and eyes. The orange shape is the apple, this is because conventionally a carrot acts a a nose.

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